the philippine christmas celebration they say is the longest. it starts as early as september and ends on january. i also think it does. people starts to become joyful and thinks of christmas on september. but for me, my christmas started on december 10.
we decided to have a community outreach for the fire victims in tejero. it was a heartwarming experience. seeing the smiles on the faces of our beneficiaries is more than enough. i believe that all great things begin with a simple step and not taking that step is the biggest sin. i know that what we offered was not enough but it is a step. this made me realize that if people are more compassionate towards others, what a great difference this would make to the world. in our case, the small effort of 12 people made 70 families a bit happier.
it was also on december when i joined a funlympics. i was never the sporty type from the start but i know how to use adrenaline. i was surprised myself that i totally enjoyed the event. we had paintball early in the morning. it was fun when you hear someone scream "ouch"; it was fun knowing that you were able to hit. but the bullets are really painful, no joke. in the afternoon, we enjoyed an unusual obstacle course. it definitely is not good for acrophobic people like me. i always thought of quitting during the course but my heart pushed me to continue. and yes i did! the late afternoon was spent on race karting. i don't drive and i admit i am the worst even on simulated driving but this is fun. i just sped up and survived with no scratches. wahihihi. this made me think of the importance of a good health. the world is wide and there is still so much more to explore. be fit and take the challenge.
december was also the time when people from overseas come home. 3 of my collegemates came back from the US, Dubai and Germany. sharing stories and experiences surely does take time until the wee hours of the night. it was fun hearing their adventures over there, it somehow takes you to where they've been as well. i am amazed at how this group has evolved. the years only made us bond more and increase in size as children and lovers come into the circle as well. hope this backbone won't break and disintegrate. hope my nervous, digestive, circulatory, etc systems would stay strong as well.
another major happening is our company christmas party. the theme was "music and movie awards" and yes stars came down from the heavens. but for me, the biggest STARS were our team. i don't know what happened or how it came about but we decided to flaunt in yukatas (japanese summer kimonos). some said that we were out of place but hello!!! make way as the geishas and last samurais sashay on the red carpet. great job shinsei team. it really pays to be imaginative and going over the top sometimes.
i also had another christmas party with an ex-team. ganesha has been a very stressful project but the people were great. having young people around makes you energetic and vibrant as well. such an infectious bunch. through all the hardships and on to great things we go guys. this team is a living testament that the sun will always shine after it all. char!
and just recently, we attended a family reunion. christmas is the anniversary of the birth of Jesus with his family. what more can i ask than to spend this time with mine. we flew to davao for the event. we toured the city and embraced the beaches of samal. with 4 brothers, 8 cousins, 4 nephews and nieces, it was a big huge clan indeed as compared to my minute unit of a father, mother and me. in my 26 years of living, i never expected to learn more of my history. this event filled me more, i have somehow learned and saw my roots in a new light. i am now looking forward to future reunions. hope the next one would be complete.
december was also the month for christenings. i made 2 more godchildren in my list. i hope this means that they see me dependable enough to take over just in case they are away. i'm quite happy but scared at the same time. the mere thought of taking care of a child scares me. i love making "hagwa", making funny faces but it is frightening when a child cries. it is so troublesome to take care of slimy green stuff. nonetheless it is my honor.
this is my christmas of 2011. 2012, are you ready for me?
we decided to have a community outreach for the fire victims in tejero. it was a heartwarming experience. seeing the smiles on the faces of our beneficiaries is more than enough. i believe that all great things begin with a simple step and not taking that step is the biggest sin. i know that what we offered was not enough but it is a step. this made me realize that if people are more compassionate towards others, what a great difference this would make to the world. in our case, the small effort of 12 people made 70 families a bit happier.
it was also on december when i joined a funlympics. i was never the sporty type from the start but i know how to use adrenaline. i was surprised myself that i totally enjoyed the event. we had paintball early in the morning. it was fun when you hear someone scream "ouch"; it was fun knowing that you were able to hit. but the bullets are really painful, no joke. in the afternoon, we enjoyed an unusual obstacle course. it definitely is not good for acrophobic people like me. i always thought of quitting during the course but my heart pushed me to continue. and yes i did! the late afternoon was spent on race karting. i don't drive and i admit i am the worst even on simulated driving but this is fun. i just sped up and survived with no scratches. wahihihi. this made me think of the importance of a good health. the world is wide and there is still so much more to explore. be fit and take the challenge.
december was also the time when people from overseas come home. 3 of my collegemates came back from the US, Dubai and Germany. sharing stories and experiences surely does take time until the wee hours of the night. it was fun hearing their adventures over there, it somehow takes you to where they've been as well. i am amazed at how this group has evolved. the years only made us bond more and increase in size as children and lovers come into the circle as well. hope this backbone won't break and disintegrate. hope my nervous, digestive, circulatory, etc systems would stay strong as well.
another major happening is our company christmas party. the theme was "music and movie awards" and yes stars came down from the heavens. but for me, the biggest STARS were our team. i don't know what happened or how it came about but we decided to flaunt in yukatas (japanese summer kimonos). some said that we were out of place but hello!!! make way as the geishas and last samurais sashay on the red carpet. great job shinsei team. it really pays to be imaginative and going over the top sometimes.
i also had another christmas party with an ex-team. ganesha has been a very stressful project but the people were great. having young people around makes you energetic and vibrant as well. such an infectious bunch. through all the hardships and on to great things we go guys. this team is a living testament that the sun will always shine after it all. char!
and just recently, we attended a family reunion. christmas is the anniversary of the birth of Jesus with his family. what more can i ask than to spend this time with mine. we flew to davao for the event. we toured the city and embraced the beaches of samal. with 4 brothers, 8 cousins, 4 nephews and nieces, it was a big huge clan indeed as compared to my minute unit of a father, mother and me. in my 26 years of living, i never expected to learn more of my history. this event filled me more, i have somehow learned and saw my roots in a new light. i am now looking forward to future reunions. hope the next one would be complete.
december was also the month for christenings. i made 2 more godchildren in my list. i hope this means that they see me dependable enough to take over just in case they are away. i'm quite happy but scared at the same time. the mere thought of taking care of a child scares me. i love making "hagwa", making funny faces but it is frightening when a child cries. it is so troublesome to take care of slimy green stuff. nonetheless it is my honor.
this is my christmas of 2011. 2012, are you ready for me?
ReplyDeletechar. i like you much na gyud. wahihihihi